Session video links
Practicing the Way course
(Began Jan 19, 2025)
As followers of Jesus, we are in a Story, a life-long journey of growing in awareness that we are beloved of God, and learning in gratitude to “give back,” in love for God and neighbour. In sum, this is called, “The Way,” a description that was given to the earliest followers of Jesus who, having been apprenticed by Jesus, cultivated practices that countered the narratives of greed and violence, in order to live the good and beautiful life, aka, the loving reign of God.
The Practicing the Way course draws on these ancient practices to counter similar narratives while paying special attention to the distractions of our time that would take us away from our Story. The course counters a shallow version of Christianity that defaults to giving lip-service to a set of beliefs without really doing what Jesus said.
We are planning on going through the Practicing the Way course as a whole church together in the coming year, (one theme per month) beginning Sunday, January 19. We want to make this as accessible as possible for everyone. Here are some options to consider based on “Ezekiel’s River” (see Ezekiel 47), and prayerfully consider God’s invitation for you in this season:
“Ankle Deep” – attending and engaging on Sundays.
“Knee Deep” – Register at our VEV cohort by clicking on this Registration Link, and commit to attending all sessions or making up the once-a-month video which will be made available).
“Waist Deep” - Click to download the free Companion Guide here, and work through it alongside the course. Purchase and read the book, “Practicing the Way,” by John Mark Comer.
“Go for a Swim” – Join a small group organized around the material that meets monthly to share in the journey together and be accountable on your workbook and spiritual health inventory (available when you register). If you’re wanting to join a group but not sure where to start, contact us at